Wildfire Mitigation


Gallatin County started a wildfire mitigation program in second half of 2022 to assist residents in Gallatin County conduct wildfire mitigation work on their property.  The program is currently designed to provide support to land owners in identifying actions they can take to help mitigate wildfire risk on their property.  The program is also working to secure cost share funding to support property owners conducting wildfire mitigation work.

Wildfire Risk in Gallatin County

Wildfire risk is present throughout Gallatin County with the severity and risks varying based on location.  Through the process of developing the 2022 Gallatin County Hazard Mitigation and Community Wildfire Protection Plan 1,000,107 acres have been identified as Wildland Urban Interface in the County.

View Plan

Fire Adapted Gallatin Working Group

Many local, state and federal organizations are involved in supporting wildfire mitigation activities here in Gallatin County.  The Fire Adapted Gallatin Working Group has been established to help coordinate the various wildfire mitigation programs operating here in Gallatin County.  Emergency Management’s Preparedness and Mitigation Manager functions as the facilitator for this group and as a single point of contact for land owners in the County to connect them with the program that best meets their needs.


Wildland Urban Interface Types

Intermix WUI

753,342 acres identified as Wildland Urban Interface – Intermix where both structures and wildland vegetation are interspersed

Interface WUI

246,765 acres identified as Wildland Urban Interface – Interface where less vegetation is present, but structures are present and within a distance where embers from a wildfire could cause impacts.


Risk Mapping in Gallatin County

Wildland Urban Interface Area

Interactive Wildland Urban Interface Map

Relative Wildfire Risk


Step 1

Conduct a self assessment of your property.

Many guides are available, with most being very similar, that will provide general guidelines on actions you can take for both your home and property.  In many cases the reminders from these best practices could make a big difference on how resilient to wildfire your property is, with relatively little effort.  Little actions can go a long way (i.e. remembering to clean your gutters, screening vents, moving your wood pile, etc…).

Self Assessment Material

Self Assessment Resources


Step 2

Request a Home Risk Assessment by a professional.

Gallatin County will provide an in person onsite assessment for wildfire risk.  This provides an opportunity to ask questions, receive more in depth guidance, and learn about approaches for wildfire mitigation.

Home Risk Assessments

Wildfire Risk Assessments are scheduled and conducted based on available capacity.  Learn more and request an assessment on our Wildfire Risk Assessment page.

Home Risk Assessments


Step 3

Apply for cost share funding to support mitigation work on your property.

Gallatin County, along with several partners, have currently funded programs to conduct wildfire mitigation work in Gallatin County.

Mitigation Funding Programs

There is high demand for wildfire mitigation cost share funding, so early contact with us and a longer range implementation plan is important.  Learn more on our funding page.

Wildfire Mitigation Funding


Step 4

Wildfire mitigation is not a one time project, but an ongoing activity.

Many properties will need heavier initial work, but annual maintenance will be needed to keep the wildfire risk reduced over time.


When you enter into a mitigation project with Gallatin County, you will be required to follow the treatment plan for a 10 year period.  Learn more about maintenance on our maintenance page.



What’s First

Continue on to learn about a self assessment of your property.

Self Assessment


Contact Us

To schedule a home risk assessment, click below.


Please use the contact form link below to contact us with specific questions..

Contact Us