As Gallatin County moves closer to spring, the risk of spring flooding increases. While we can not predict if Gallatin County will see any flooding in 2021, we know that now is the time to prepare your property in order to minimize the the potential effect of flooding.
The most prevalent cause of localized flooding are obstructed waterways that block the flow of water and cause it to go where you don’t want it. Now is the time to make sure ditches and culverts on your property are clear of debris so we can keep as much water in them as possible.
Additionally, if you feel your property is at risk of flooding, you may want to consider flood insurance. Flood damage is not covered by homeowners insurance. Flood insurance has a 30 day waiting period for the policy to take effect, so you can not wait until flooding is imminent to get a policy. Contact your insurance agency for policy information.
Now is also the time to develop a plan on how you will protect your property if you are affected by flooding later this spring. Once flooding occurs, the damage is done. So developing a plan now, and implementing it early is critical to minimizing damage.
More information on flooding is available at:
View the Keep It Flowing educational video at: