Weather Resources

The Primary Weather Office for Gallatin County is located in Great Falls. Depending on where you are located you may also get accurate information from the Billings or Pocatello Offices.

Gallatin County Radar Images

Great Falls Pocatello

Weather Terms

Flood Watch The potential exists for a river to exceed flood stage in the next 12 to 72 hours.
Flood Warning The river is expected to exceed flood stage in the next 48 hours. Loss of life or property ispossible with this type of event.
Small Stream Flood Advisory This is used for minor flooding in towns, or small creeks, or areas where roads may haverunning water over them.
Small Stream Flood Warning This is used for significant flooding within a town, or on creeks and streams that aretributaries to mainstem rivers. Loss of life or property is possible during this type of event.
Flood or River Statement This is just a statement that gives you information on a creek or river that is rising, but isn’texpected to reach flood stage.
Severe Thunderstorm Watch Conditions are favorable for the development of severe thunderstorms in and close to the watch area. Watches are usually in effect for several hours, with 6 hours being the most common.
Severe Thunderstorm Warning Issued when a thunderstorm produces hail one inch or larger in diameter and/or winds which equal or exceed 58 mph. Severe thunderstorms can result in the loss of life and/or property. Information in this warning includes: where the storm is, what towns will be affected, and the primary threat associated with the storm.
Severe Weather Statement Issued when the forecaster wants to follow up a warning with important information on the progress of severe weather elements.
Hail Diameter Size Description
1/4″ Pea Size
1/2″ Small Marble Size
3/4″ Dime/Penny/ Large Marble Size
7/8″ Nickel Size
1″ Quarter Size
1 1/4″ Half Dollar Size
1 1/2″ Walnut or Ping Pong Ball Size
1 3/4″ Golf Ball Size
2″ Hen Egg Size
2 1/2″ Tennis Ball Size
2 3/4″ Baseball Size
3″ Teacup Size
4″ Grapefruit Size
4 1/2″ Softball Size